
New, latest hologram computer is out. For $100, you can get your own hologram computer that runs on the latest processors, has the latest OS from Get Awesome Operating Systems, the leading OS creator after Apple.

Have you ever wished that you had a watch where you can do anything you wanted?  Now you can, with the EYW Watch (Everything You Wanted). For only $1,642 you can get your very own EYW Watch. Hurry now, and you get the EYW watch free.

Looking for the perfect sofa, but you can’t get it. Look no further! For here comes the Psofa. The Psofa will allow you to have your own sofa, at your perfect preference. It runs on a i69 bit processor with a complete real colour graphics.

Have you ever dreamt about a automatic chef that will make your food for you? Well with the AtoChef, your dream will come true. With a fully programable interface, you can program the AtoChef to make the preferred food you want. It can also charge smart and mobile phones, plus computers. It can also make the bed and it can also be an alarm clock to wake you up!

By –

Arnab Chakraborty


Apple Watch

coding ©Princess Alexsandra (AKA, Cinnimonbunhun)